Friday, April 15, 2011

Raise a Glass for Rubber Fields

Battles over funding for rubber fields, including using Open Space funds, are playing out all over New Jersey. An ongoing struggle in New Providence, Union County, should resonate here in Moorestown. .

New Providence officials are considering a November referendum asking voters to allow the sale of bar licenses to generate revenue. They're also considering a referendum asking (for the second time) if revenues raised from the local Open Space tax levy should be "re-purposed" to fund recreational facility "improvements" like rubber fields.

In the scramble for cash, borough officials are also eyeing more than $600,000 that resides in the borough’s Open Space Trust Fund.

Implemented in 2004, the tax was restricted solely to the purchase of open space. No allowance was made to use the funds to improve acquisitions or for recreational facilities.

In 2008, voters rejected a referendum that would have amended the original ordinance and allowed use of the funds to improve recreational fields including installation of artificial turf.

Letting voters decide an important and controversial issue. What a quaint idea.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe a better use for recycled rubber? [backpacks with overlapping sliding parts made from the recycled inner tubes of truck tires by]
