Friday, April 8, 2011

Today's Quiz

After the jump, you will find a list of the criteria used when Moorestown Township considers acquiring a property with Open Space funds. Read the list, then answer the following questions:

  • Rubber fields satisify how many of the criteria?
  • Extra Credit: Rubber Fields negatively impact which of the listed criteria?

Open space – The extent to which preservation would satisfy open space deficits in the Township or in the  surrounding neighborhood;
Recreation – A property’s usability for active or passive recreation;
Use Preservation – The extent to which preservation would permit continued farming or the retention of natural features and systems;
Historical Significance – A property’s historical significance.
Development Pressure – The perceived likelihood of development in the near future;
Environmental Sensitivity – The adverse impact of development on environmentally sensitive land;
Habitat – The effect that development of the property would have on wildlife;
Viewshed – The importance of the property in maintaining open and attractive vistas;
Aesthetics – The scenic beauty of the land especially where it serves as a gateway into the Township;
Property Size – An evaluation of the size of the property in comparison to the open space needs of the Township and the local neighborhood.
Farmland Preservation – The ability to preserve agricultural operations, prime soils, and adding to existing preserved farmland in the same area of the Township.

"Open Space and Recreation Plan Element," 2009, p IV-16.


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