Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What's Jon Runyan Up To?

Last week, the House GOP addressed high gasoline and oil prices by passing a bill that won’t affect prices. The bill expedites sale of leases to drill for oil and gas in the Gulf of Mexico and off Virginia. Lease sales are the start of a years-long process that may or may not yield productive wells.

The GOP bill speeds up the process by “deeming” 2007 environmental and safety reviews as sufficient for the new leases. Citing last year’s catastrophic BP spill in the Gulf, Rep. Rush Holt (D, NJ-12) offered an amendment requiring new environmental and safety reviews. His amendment failed.

Jon Runyan (R, NJ-3) voted for the bill and against Holt's amendment.

1 comment:

  1. while I strongly disagree with his vote, at least I'm glad to hear that he has a pulse. Jon Runyan has been AWOL from his district. No town hall meetings, no emails to constituents. Just voting as John Boehner tells him to.
