Saturday, July 30, 2011

Even Mad Bombers Gotta Eat

Congressional Republicans spend months threatening to blow the nation into insolvency unless their draconian fiscal demands are met. Foolish Dems engage them and cave on critical issues. But GOP terrorists won't take "yes" for an answer. With bomb clock ticking down, GOP leaders can't get acceptable bill through the House.

Did no one in GOP House leadership see this coming? Or did they foresee it, but recognized that nothing would satisfy the terrorist wing?

Today's NYTimes:

“Zealots are great on the campaign trail,” said Julian E. Zelizer, a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton, “but a huge problem when it comes to governance. They often don’t believe in the art of a deal, even with their allies. If they are not tamed, they can eat their own party alive.”

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